OSCAR DAVID ROGERS, better known as O.D. Rogers, was born is eastern Arkansas in 1876, the son of George and Millie Rogers. He worked on farms at jobs that a boy could do.
He met Rachel Humphrey, a daughter of John E. and Rebecca Moore Humphrey, who came from Tennessee to the Indian Territory. Rebecca had passed away, leaving OD with five small children. He came with other families whoi were moving westward and they settled at Maple.
On October 13, 1898, OD Rogers and Rachel were married. Six children were born to this union: Bessie, Tressie, Carlin, Vada, Reba, and Everett. Tressie passed away at four years of age. The six children were born at Maple.
After Tressie died, the family moved to Akins where OD farmed and did carpenter work. In December, 1917, they moved to Sallisaw where he continued carpentry. Many of the homes he built in Sallisaw still stand.
For many years he served as a deacon in the First Baptist Church of Sallisaw, and the rest of the family were faithful members, serving in various capacities.
He died February 14, 1942. His wife died January 4, 1958. His son Carlin died in 1965, and Everett died February 7, 1974. Three girls of the family still live. Reba married AC Schneider and they live in Tulsa. Bess and Vada live in the old home place at 318 and 320 West Choctaw. Vada married James Combs.
Although Bess never married, she made a home for Everett and his four children when Everett's marriage was dissolved. They lived with her at the home place untill they married, and Everett lived there until his death.